
Our sight is our most precious sense, it allows us to access the world and the people in it. Life experiences are enhanced by our ability to see. We will help you take care of your eyes with comprehensive eye examinations and early detection of visual and eye health problems. We offer the most comprehensive eye tests and advice tailored to your individual needs.

What We Offer

Comprehensive Eye Examinations

Comprehensive Eye Examinations

We use the latest diagnostic technology to conduct comprehensive eye examinations. That includes tests for drivers licenses, CAA, Seafarers Certification, NZ Police, NZ Defence Force.

Certified Provider

Certified Provider

We are a certified provider of Enable NZ spectacle subsidy, ACC, MSD and work with all insurance companies.

On-Site Laboratory

On-Site Laboratory

We have an on-site fitting and repair service for lenses and glasses.

Most of the time lens fitting, spectacle fabrication, and repair services can be carried out on the same day by our technician.

Digital Retinal Imaging

Digital Retinal Imaging

A sophisticated digital camera takes images allowing instant viewing of the retina inside your eyes.

These images give us vital information about the structures inside your eyes and we can compare images in the future to observe changes and abnormalities that may occur with eye diseases.

Computerised Visual Field Test

Computerised Visual Field Test

This test provides a map of your visual field including central and peripheral vision and will identify the boundaries of your visual field. By carefully testing your eyes total field of vision many eye conditions can be identified as well as some systemic general health conditions.

Computerised visual field testing can identify problems well before symptoms arise or serious damage is done.

Optical Coherence Tomography

Optical Coherence Tomography

This is a non-invasive 3D imaging scan using light waves to take cross-section Images of the surfaces and structures inside your eyes.

It is very helpful in identifying many kinds of eye disease such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, and retinal holes, swelling and detachments. Early detection and diagnosis mean treatment can be started to prevent loss of vision.

Children's Vision Assessments

Children's Vision Assessments

80% of children's learning is done visually so clear comfortable vision is essential for a child to learn successfully. Children must use a variety of scanning, focusing and visual coordination skills for learning. Symptoms of visual problems in children could be:

- Headaches
- Rubbing eyes
- Poor concentration
- Avoiding close work or getting tired after close work
- Reversing letters or omitting short words

A full and comprehensive eye examination is the most effective way of eliminating the possibility of a vision problem.

Contact Lenses

Contact Lenses

Wearing Contact lenses can allow more freedom for work and many leisure and sporting activities. Many wearers like the option of wearing contact lenses or glasses. There are various options and many choices available for contact lens wearers and these can be discussed at the time of your eye examination.

You will need to have a full and comprehensive eye examination first for assessment of your suitability to wear contact lenses and which type of lens design would be best suited to your eyes. Contact lenses require proper fitting and must be comfortable to wear so you will require regular eye checks to ensure your eyes remain healthy.



Keratoconus is an eye disorder which causes progressive thinning and distortion of the cornea resulting in reduced vision. The cornea normally appears rounded in shape but with keratoconus, the thinned area bulges forward producing a cone-like protrusion.

It usually develops in the late teens and early twenties and may affect one eye but more commonly affects both eyes. The cause of keratoconus is unknown but it often runs in families. Specially designed contact lenses for keratoconus are used and often the best choice for vision correction.

Irlen Screening

Irlen Screening

Irlen Syndrome is a visual perceptual processing disorder affecting the brain’s ability to process visual information such as reading and comprehension. This can cause attention deficit, slow and inefficient reading skills, poor depth perception, eyestrain, and fatigue.

A full eye examination is necessary to rule out eye focusing and visual problems. Following this, the optometrist will advise whether screening for Irlen Syndrome will be beneficial.

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